Thursday, May 15, 2008

Object of my obession

Confessions of a 33 yo wife & SAHM of 2. I have totally and completely become OBESSED with this man:

Just look at him ~ how could you not fall in love with him? This is David Cook from American Idol (duh!!!). Anyway, this is the first year that I have ever really gotten INTO any of the contestants on AI. But I was intially drawn to him because he is from Missouri. Then I thought he was a good singer/performer. But recently I noticed the SEX appeal!!!! He has transformed over the last couple months and I believe he has truely become confortable with who he is and what he is doing. And he is such a humble and honest person. He has made it to the top 2 and in my opinion he should be the American Idol but if he does become the runner up he still has a fabulous career ahead of him!!! Love you David Cook!!!!

PS ~ That is him you hear singing!!!!

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