Sunday, December 30, 2007

OMG ~ I made my very first design team......

I am so excited!!! I am a member of the Savvy 'n' Sassy design team. The announcement was just made a few days ago. My 6 month term will run Jan 1 - June 30, 2008!!! I have lots more to post but will need to do that later. Because right now I have lots of stuff to get done while the kids are gone!!!!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Well, it is official.......

I am DONE shopping!!!!! I have about 4 more presents to be wrapped and 2 more presents that need to be stuffed into gift bags and then I am done with the wrapping portion of this holiday season as well!!! I went to the grocery store tonight and bought all the ingredience for our Lasagna on Christmas day. I am going to get that all ready to go tomorrow (so I don't have to stay in the kitchen long on Christmas Day). All I will have to deal with on Christmas Day will be the garlic bread and the salad. It feels so good to be so organized this year. Although, I did not get all of our Christmas decorations out this year and we did not put any lights up outside I still feel good with our progress and do not feel as stressed as I normally do.

My new camera finally arrived on Tuesday ~ just as I was leaving to run errands. I used it on Wednesday when Rylee & I went to Lance's school to help his class make the reindeer ornaments that my mom had bought for the class and we had treats. I actually snapped a really good class picure. I think I am going to get a 5x7 made for the teacher and 4x6's made for each student to have a record of their 1st grade class. Rylee had so much fun ~ she thought she was BIG stuff hanging out at Lance's school.

Yesterday was Brad's Christmas meeting/party at work. All the employees had to be there at 8 am for a meeeting then at noon the wives are invited to attend for a prime rib lunch!!! YUMMY!!! We rarely ever have steak so this was a real treat. After the meeeting I had to brave Wal-Mart for a few last minute gifts (that place was a mad house). Brad stayed in the car since he refuses to step foot into WM (don't ask). Then last night we went to Brad's friends house for a Christmas get together and had meat cheese tray, veggie tray and shrimp tray!!! My MIL kept the kids over night so we were able to enjoy an evening without kids. We played cards and then came home around 11 pm in what looked like a blizzard. Big 'ole snowflakes were flying around. We got a couple of inches of snow plus a little bt of ice underneath. And today it has been freezing cold...BRRRR!!!

Well, it is off to bed for me. Night all!!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Patiently waiting for the UPS man and freezing my buns off.....

I am sitting here waiting for the UPS man as my brand camera should be arriving today. He is already 30 minutes later than he was yesterday when he went zooming past my house without any packages for me!!! Isn't that how it always goes?

As I sit here waiting I am FREEZING cold!!! I just cannot get warm today. My toes, my fingers, erverything is so cold. Not real sure why, after all it is a balmy 34 degrees outside today. Snow/ice is even melting off our driveway.

Well, Bradley just called and he is on his way home from work already. They got his truck fixed but now there is nothing to do. I'm sure he will get called late tonight and have to go someplace and not make it home for a day or two. That's how it always goes. Well, if he is coming home so much for goofing around on the computer all day. I will have to clean the house and wash the dishes that have piled up on the counter (you know, make it LOOK like I work hard around here everyday while he is gone ~ wink). But on the plus side, he can stay home with Rylee while I run errands.....gas up the car, go by the bank, the grocery store and Dollar General. So much easier to do without dragging a toddler along.

Oh, I forgot to mention yesterday. I am so disappointed that my jury duty was cancelled!!!! I got the call on Friday that they wouldn't need me the following Monday afterall. I found out from my "informant" they there was actually 2 cases and both pleaded guilty. But she also told me that there is at least 1 more trial scheduled for January.

Sometimes it is so hard to get some peace and quiet. Anyone else ever have this problem? Last night I tried to sneek in a long, hot shower. Well, Rylee heard the water running and convinced Brad that she had to go potty. So, he set her up in the bathroom and left her in there. Of course, her REAL plan was to take a shower with me. She tricked Brad into getting her into the bathroom. Well, I wouldn't let her get in with me as this is the only peace and quiet time I had for myself all day since she did not take a nap yesterday. He plan was squashed and she was mad. So, mad she cried herself to sleep.

Well, Bradley is home so I better sign off now and see what his plan is. And for the record, I have justed wasted an additional 30 minutes and still no UPS man!!!!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Lots has been happening since my last post.......

Gosh, where do I start? Well, while Rylee was gone I got LOTS done around the house and most of the Christmas shopping done (some of it even wrapped). I got the main tree up plus 3 more (each of the kids have one and one on the kitchen). I got lots of other misc Christmas decorations up as well!!! A VERY productive week.

While I was busy decorating the house and preparing for Christmas my mom was busy potty training Rylee!!! WOO!!! HOO!!! No more diapers in the Watson household!!!! How exciting is that? She did excellent while with mom and since she has been home. She has been home for 1 week today and has only had 2 accidents. I'm not even putting a diaper on her at night or nap time and she is doing perfect!!!! And I have an almost brand new package of diapers (go figure!!!).

I still have a few other small things around the house to get done before Christmas but I am feeling more prepared than I usually do thanks to my mom helping me out by taking Rylee for a few days. Well, it was supposed to a few days but due to bad weather it turned into nearly a week!!! I was missing her so much and glad to have her back home.

Other exciting news, my mom & step-dad are looking at a house right in here in Monroe City!!!! I am so excited about the possibility of them living so close and being able to see them more often. The house is beautiful and brand new. Only lived in for a couple of months by the builder and it is currently empty. Mom & I looked at it when she returned Rylee. She took lots of pics home to Pete and he wants to look at it when he is in town in a couple of weeks. Of course, they would still need to sell their own house so we shall wait and see what happens. Keep your fingers crossed for me!!!

The past 2 Saturdays we have gotten together with another couple that has kids the same age as ours. And we ate and played cards while the kids had a good time together as well. We used to get together with this couple over the summer and BBQ/build a fire so I am glad that we are still getting together during the winter too!!! Although, it is a little crazy with 5 kids 6 years old and under running around scraming. But fun none the less!!!!

Oh, other big news......the basement people FINALLY came back and fixed what should have originally been fixed with the basement. They were here 2 days and installed 3 more piers on the southeast corner of the house. I certainly home this is the end of that nightmare.

Well, that is all for now. Lance just got off the bus so....LET THE FUN BEGIN!!!!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Misc Ramblings....

Rylee is gone for a few days. My mom and step-dad picked her up this morning and are going to keep her until the weekend. I am supposed to be decroating for Christmas, putting up the tree and Christmas shopping while she is away!!! The plan for tomorrow consists of rearranging the living room and putting up the tree. Thursday's plan is all the other misc Christmas decorations. Then Friday I will shop, shop, shop, till I drop or until the money runs out (and I have a feeling the latter will probably happen first LOL)!!! We don't have any bushes out front to put lights on this year and it looks like Bradley has waiting too long for the lights on the house since it is now FREEZING cold!!! So, inside decorations only this year.

My husband.....he's worse than a woman when it comes to talking on the telephone. He is CONTANTLY on that thing "gossiping" and carrying on with his trucker buddies. Supper was almost finished and he picks up the phone and starts dialing. I was like, "Who are you calling and what is so important that you have to do it right now?" His response? "Oh, is supper almost ready?" And your clue was what? The boiling potatoes? The browning meat? The microwave oven on? Or maybe it was your son setting the table? DUH!!!

Oh, other big news!!! I have JURY DUTY on Monday!!!! YIKES!!!! I had always thought I would enjoy Jury Duty. Well, now I am nervous. So, when my mom brings Rylee home this weekend she will stay until the first of next week so I can attend Jury Duty. Fun stuff I tell ya.

Well, I'm going to sign off for now. I still have dishes from supper that need to be washed since it appears that no one else in this house if is going to wash them for me.